Active materials:

  • Arubutin
  • Ascorbyl Palmitate (Vit C)
  • Tocopheryl Acetate (Vit E)
  • Glutathione
  • Niacinamide (Vit B3)
  • Anogeisus Leiocarpus Ext Aloe Vera
  • Olive Oil
  1. Arubutin

*brighten agent / natural brightener*

Arbutin is natural source that commonly found in plants such as bearberry, cranberry, blueberry and pear. In cosmetic field, arbutin can be divided into two type, which is i) alfa arbutin, ii) beta arbutin. Alfa arbutin is pure, water-dissolve, more stable and effective compared to beta arbutin. The main source of alfa arbutin is from bearbearry and this substance creates hydroquinone naturally with hydrolysis process, by blocking Tyrosinase activates and reduce the melanin from being generated to the skin’s surface (pigmentation). It is also a cure for hyper pigmentation. Can be used for all type of skin and skin tone.


Benefits of arbutin:

  • evens pigmentation
  • reduces “age spots” and scar
  • treat skin damage because of UL lights
  • block or prevent the creation of melanin that can cause pigmentation


  1. Ascorbyl palmitate (Vit C)

*preservative that contains antioxidant*


Ascorbyl palmitate is a molecule that are non-acidic combined from ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and palmitic acid (fat acid). Ascorbyl palmitate traits is substance that are lipid soluble, can penetrate skin and can absorb antioxidant faster compared to other vitamins. Thus, it can delay the cell aging by blocks the collagen cross, protein oxidation and also fat. Research finding states that this material is much more stable than L-ascorbic acid. It is widely used as preservative means towards cosmetic products and can be use as an active material in skincare products such as sunblocks, body’s lotion, serum and anti-aging cream.

Benefits of ascorbyl palmitate:

  • Contains antioxidant for covering skin from damages by sun light exposure.
  • The absorbent level is faster compared with other vitamic C
  1. Tocopheryl acetate (Vit E)

*natural soften agent and antioxidant*

Tocopheryl acetate is a natural soften agent and antioxidant. This material is the combination from asid asetik and tocopherol. It is vitamin that are fat soluble that are created by vegetable’s oil. Among other source that contain this materials, are milk products, meat, egg, cereal, nut, green and yellow vegetable.

Tocopheryl acetate which is vitamin E, also stated to be the best source of antioxidant by research. According to the article Issue of Nutrition Science news (2011), vitamin E that are produces naturally by body is better than vitamin E that are gained by synthetic. On another research that are conducted by American Journal of Clinical nutrition on 2013 finds that, natural vitamin E have  a better  level of penetration compared to synthetically processed vitamin E. However, all type of tocopheryl acetate can provide benefit such as a very good source of antioxidant. Hence, it is used as active materials in cosmetic products such as lipstick, blusher, face powder, moisturizer, bath foam, hair conditioner and many more.

Benefits of Tocopheryl acetate:

  • antioxidant: reduce the creation of free radicals when exposed to UV light, anti-aging, and increase the effectiveness of active materials sunblock (SPF)
  • Functions as “most bioavailable” which is easy absorbent to the body
  1. Glutathione



Glutathione (GSH) is a natural antioxidant that are generated by body’s cell for the neutralization of free radicals, increase body’s immune system and detoxification. A part from having a strong antioxidant function, it is also popular as “systemic skin lightening molecule” to the body. The function of detoxification results from the sulfuric compound, where the toxins would stick to the mentioned compound. Glutathione would directly eliminate or neutralize the free radicals and oxygen reactive compound.

Benefits of glutathione:

  • anti-melanogenik (melanin)
  • skin lightening agent
  • reduce pigmentation



  1. Niacinamide

*vitamin /antioxidant*


Niacinamide is a vitamin that are water-soluble  and also known as vitamin b3. It corporate with nature resources the in the skin and help to reduce the opening of pores, uneven skin tone, wrinkle and dull skin. Niacinamide also reduce the skin’s effect that are damaged by the environment.  The products that uses niacinamide such as, face serum, moisturizer and toner. Niacinamide is materials that are very compatible to cosmetic products include retinol, AHA, BHA, peptides, hyaluronic acid and other kind of antioxidant.

Benefits of niacinamide:

  • Helps in the renewal surface of skin that are being hydrates
  • Maintaining an even skin’s tone
  1. Anogeisus Leiocarpus Ext Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera’s extract contains antioxidant, enzyme, vitamin A, and vitamin C that prove to be essential to prevent acne, dull dry skin or burn. The most popular function for the usage of aloe vera is to repair skin cells, enhance skin’s moisture and skin’s hydration. Furthermore, the frequent usage of aloe vera can prevent wrinkles, uneven pigmentation and can make skin healthy and moist which results, the user looks younger.

Benefits of Anogeisus Leiocarpus  aloe vera’s extract:

  • Anti bacteria from wound’s infection
  • Anti fungal
  • Anti inflammation
  • Support the moisture of skin from the effect from sunburn
  • Support to maintain face elasticity






  1. Olive oil

The usage of olive oil is among the beauty formula that have been used from the early age. Olive oil have many benefit towards the health of skin and body. Nowadays, it is widely used in cosmetic and daily care products. Olive oil contains a sort of vitamins such as A, D, K & E. In the usage for skin care, olive oil can moisture the skin and reduces bacteria on the skin that have acne problems.

Olive oil or extra virgin oil is a material that are process naturally and have a high concentrate. Thus, it have a high antioxidant traits, where the effect would be very good for skin that are exposed to sunburn or high radiation of UV. Over expose to these UV can cause uneven skin’s pigmentation and in the long term, can cause skin’s cancer. It can be concluded that, olive oil have an antioxidant that are very useful to fight unhealthy environment that causes skin damage.


Benefits of olive oil:

  • High level of antioxidant
  • Anti-bacteria
  • Add moist to skin

Medil hydro-based soft cleanser is a soap-free cleanser. Soft cleanser also can maintain skin elasticity and brighten the skin naturally and safely.

Active materials:

  • Sodium sarcosinate
  • Cocamidopropyl betaine
  • Decyl Glucoside
  • Acrylate copolyme
  • PEG-90
  • Glyceryl isostearate & Laureth-2
  • sodium cocamphoacetate, glycerin, lauryl glucoside, sodium cocoyl glutamate, sodium lauryl glucose carboxylate
  • potassium azeloyl diglycinate
  • grape seed oil
  • PEG-8 Ester
  • galactoarabinan
  • hyaluronic acid
  • glycol distearate
  • coco glucoside
  • fragnance
  • phenoxyethanol, triethylene glycol
  • tetrasodium EDTA
  1. Sodium Cocamphoacetate/ Sodium Sarcisonate

*Coconut derived cleansing agent * – Surfactant

Sodium Cocoamphoacetate is a coconut oil-derived surfactant, “foam booster” and “conditioning agent” what are widely used in the formulation of cosmetic and daily skincare products such as face cleanser, scrub and shaving foam. This material are used as lubricant formula in liquid products so it can act to slick and smooth on the skin. According from, the traits of sodium cocoamphoacetate support to cleans and allow water to mix with oil and dirt so all the dirt can be wash and rinse cleanly. Sodium Cocoyl glutamate function to smooth and remove excessive minerals from “hard water” which basically water that contain high mineral level.


Additionally, it also can increase the capacity of foam, thicken hair and repair hair dullness that are damaged from chemical process. This material also being used as make up remover and it is compatible being used for sensitive skin, children or infant as it have traits such as anti-inflammation, light and smooth for skin.



  1. Coco Glucoside/Cocamidopropyl Betaine/ Lauryl Glucoside (and) Sodium Lauryl Glucose Carboxylate/ Decyl glucoside

 *glucose-based surfactant, natural, non-ionic*emulsifier

Coco glucoside is a cleansing agent that have the trait of extra light and the most soft among other cleansing agent. It is ideal to be used as one of the formulation in every skincare, hair, body and cosmetic products. Coco glucoside is created by the combination of coconut based fatty alcohols (c8-16) and glucose.

Among the main benefit of coco glucoside, it can enhance the function of cleaning agent and it is the main source of moisturizer an a product. It also can function better when used as a co-surfactant if mixed with of sort of other surfactant without reducing the stability and foam capacity.

The foam that are generated is compatible for gel formulation or bath foam. It is because Coco glucoside are recommended to be mix with Cocamidopropyl Betaine or Foaming Soy  to enhance the smoothness of the foam and repair product’s texture so it would become light, soft and maintain the product’s end result. Both materials which is Decyl glucoside and coco glucoside. It is a better choice to create product formulation that are complete with personal hygiene that is soft, light and moisturize skin.

Coco Glucoside Traits:

  • Obtained from 100% renewable vegetable origin
  • Tolerant of high electrolyte formulations (aloe)
  • Improves skin tolerance of the formulation
  • Fully Compatible with other Surfactant
  • Maintains skin balance without dryness
  • Easy to thicken with natural polymers
  • Readily Biodegradable
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Maintains skin balance
  • Good foaming power
  • ethylene oxide free
  • 1,4-dioxane free
  • Proven Mildness
  1. Acrylates copolymer – Stabilizer

Acrylates copolymer created by the combination process of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid and ester. Copolymer is used in the formulation of hair products such as hair dye and hair styling. This material protects hair and scalp from environmental moisture. Beside that,  copolymer also functions as film forming agent, hair fixative agent, suspending agent and antistatic agent. It is also used as water proof for products such as nail polisher, mascara, lipstick, hair spray, body cleansing, sunblock and anti-aging treatment.




  1. Potassium azeloyl diglycinate

 *skin soothing, Antioxidants*


Potassium azeloyl diglycinate is derivatives water soluble from Azelaic acid. The main trait of this material, is compatible to mix with variety of other formula in creating cosmetic products. It have the advantage to moisturize skin and reduce skin’s inflammation.


  1. Grape seed oil



Grape seed oil is quite popular in cosmetic. This material is widely used in the formulation of hair, soap, face cleanser and cosmetic. The advantage of grape seed oil is the linoleic acid which is vitamin E. The main function is to reduce the inflammation inside the middle layer of skin and skin’s exterior, moisturizes skin, treats acne, reduce skin’s pores, reduce scar marks and cleans make up. Grape seed oil also suitable for sensitive skin.




  1. PEG-8 ester / Glycol distearate / Glyceryl oleate

*non-inonic, non-toxic* – emulsifier


PEG-8 is a polyclycol ester, fat acid also known as Xalifin-15). This material is save to use for those who have skin problems, allergy and dermatitis. Glycol distearate functions to give pearlizing effect with the minimum foam. Glyceryl oleate can be found from oil that have high level of oleic concentrated such as olive oil, ground nuts, cereals and pecan.  It is also used as co-emulsifier and thickener in the formulation of “oil-in-water”. Thus, this material is suitable to be used in daily care such as face cleanser, body foam, shampoo, face cream, sunblock and anti-aging cream.


  1. Galactoarabinan (GA)

*hydrating agent*


GA is all natural, bio-available, bio-degradable, and have positive interaction, good for skin’s cells. According history, once upon a time, the Americans uses resin GA and Larch’s wood skin (source of GA) for food, cosmetics and medicines. Among the benefits of GA includes the ability to enhance the skin’s regeneration, reduces wrinkles and skin tightening.




  1. Hyaluronic acid (HA)

*hydrating agent*- humectant


HA is widely used in the cosmetic products as it can creates moist towards skin, reduce wrinkle and act as antioxidant. It also protect from environment such as over exposure to sun ray and excessive chemicals. Not only HA instantly becoming a trend in cosmetic’s formulation, but it is one of the best material for skincare product or hygiene.


  1. Phenoxyethanol (and) Triethylene glycol

*antibacterial agent* – preservative


The main function of this material, is to provide anti-septic, anti-bacteria and disinfectant.

Both of these material also works as preservative for products as it can prevent damages towards cosmetic products formulation.




  1. Tetrasodium EDTA

*Chelating agent* – preservative


EDTA can detect the presence of ion metal and allows all these ion to maintain in the formulation but not reacts when mixed with other material in the product. It also can enhance the stability of the product when mixed with water (water soluble) and prevent the growth of microbe.


Medil Liquid foundation is the basic step before applying make up. The special formulation that can be found in the product is Stay C-50®, Vitamin B3, Vitamin E and saccharite isomerite. All these material can provide benefit for creating basic foundation that can cover all tones, uneven tone or skin’s excessive oil .

Active ingredients :

  • Stay C-50®
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin E
  • Saccharite Isomerite
  1. Stay C-50® – Vitamin C

It derivative Vitamin C that are more stable compared to ascorbic acid. Stay C-50 is an antioxidant that are very good for skincare, can prevent acne and oily skin. The material also an effective anti-aging that can enhance skin’s smoothness, even skin’s tone and encourage the creation of skin’s collagen.

  1. Vitamin B3 – Antioxidant

Vitamin B3 also known as niacinamide and one of the important formulation for cosmetic and skincare product. Work in the form of niacinamide, this vitamin can prevent the loss of water and maintaining skin’s moisture. Meanwhile, on the treatment of anti-aging, niacinamide can enhance the skin’s structure, reduce wrinkle and soften the skin’s structure. Vitamin B3 also provide antioxidant that can protect skin from environmental UV light and infrared. Skin’s pigmentation can be reduce or prevented by the usage of this vitamin.

  1. Saccharite isomerite – Moisturizer

Pentavitin is among other name for saccharite isomerite. According to, it is water binding agent or emollient. This material is an effective moisturizer and contains natural carbohydrate that are found in human skin, which is stratum corneum. It stick to the group of free amino acid such as lysine inside keratin stratum corneum.  Saccharite isomerite is not easily washable, making it perfect for maintaining the moist for a long duration of time. Thus, it is suitable to be applied for hair, preventing it from dull and dry.